Naturo Pharm Coughmed Relief helps stimulate normal immune response to coughing. Contains homoeopathic potencies of Belladonna 30c, Byronia 30c, Hepar Sulph 30x 60x and Rumex Crispus 30x 60x. Coughmed Relief helps stimulate normal immune response to coughing.
It is available in convenient oral spray form.
Coughmed Relief contains homoeopathic potencies of Belladonna 30c, Byronia 30c, Hepar Sulph 30x 60x and Rumex Crispus 30x 60x.
Oral Spray
Acute: Use 2 sprays per dose orally at 15 minute intervals for up to 6 doses, then 3 times a day as required.
Chronic: Use 2 sprays orally 3 times a day as required.