Kaloba® soothes the nose, sinuses, throat and bronchi; is suitable for the whole family, including children 1 year and older.
Kaloba® helps the body's fight against winter and seasonal bugs. It helps the body's immune response keep the winter bugs and ailments at bay; it also supports the immune system's natural response.
Kaloba® contains a special extract, EPs® 7630, derived from a South African plant called Pelargonium sidoides. This purple flowering plant has been traditionally used in a herbal preparation for the nose, sinus, throat and respiratory system problems; namely against the attack of winter and seasonal ills and chills.
Kaloba® goes to work quickly to help the body's natural defences respond promptly to the onslaught of seasonal ills and chills that target the airways and respiratory system.
More than twenty scientific studies confirm that Kaloba®, particularly when used promptly assists natural and healthy recovery; it also supports the body's natural immune response.
For best results use at the first sign of problems and continue for 48 hours after problems have subsided.
Kaloba® works uniquely to:
• Help the body, notably the respiratory system, with the fight against winter and seasonal bugs
• Soothe the nose, sinuses, throat & bronchi
• Help the body utilise its natural immune response defences
• Support the body's response to maintain free airways
• Maintain optimum health over winter and times of seasonal change
• Help maintain respiratory health and support clear and healthy airways
Adult and adolescents over 12 take 30 drops (1.5ml) three times daily.
Children 6 - 12 take 20 drops (ml) three times daily.
Infants 1 - 5 take 10 drops (0.5ml) three times daily.
In acute cases adults and children over 12 take 40 (2ml) drops three to five times daily.
For best results use Kaloba® at the first sign of problems and continue for an additional 48 hours after they subside. Kaloba can be diluted with liquid.
Do not take Kaloba® if you:
• Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
• Have hypersensitivity to the ingredients or any of the excipients.
• Have severe liver disease.